About Us

WIN Rescue Center

Animal Rescue

Marine Mammals

Sea Turtles

Companion Animals


Giant Fruit Bats


New WIN Rescue Center

Macaque Reintroduction

Wildlife Pet Trade

Living with Wildlife

Animal Care

Animal Care Clinic

Volunteers & Interns


Sea Turtle Rescue

Five species of threatened or endangered marine turtles are found in Subic Bay and throughout the Philippines: green, hawksbill, leatherback, loggerhead and olive ridley. WIN has teamed up with Ocean Adventure to rescue sea turtles caught by fishermen or brought in sick or injured.

We also monitor and protect turtle nests along the shores of Subic Bay. We gather data on eggs and nests, erect “nest protection devices” with educational graphics, and if necessary, relocate nests in “unsafe” areas to a protected beach. We then monitor these nests until the hatchlings emerge and make their race to the sea.

At this time we are the only sea turtle rehabilitation facility in the Philippines. This effort has resulted in the rescue and release of many adult sea turtles, the protection of many nests each year, and the successful return to the sea of tens of thousands of hatchlings.

About Us

WIN Rescue Center

Animal Rescue

Marine Mammals

Sea Turtles

Companion Animals



Macaque Reintroduction

Wildlife Pet Trade

Living with Wildlife

Animal Care

Animal Care Clinic

Pet Registration

Volunteers & Interns
